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Rick Dodson - 1 140623

Australian A-Cat Nationals on Lake Macquarie Day 5 - Yes, that is Hamish's hand... all was fine after he freed the boat mast from the lake bottom

© Gordon Upton /
Australian A-Cat Nationals on Lake Macquarie Day 5 - Yes, that is Hamish's hand... all was fine after he freed the boat mast from the lake bottom photo copyright Gordon Upton / taken at South Lake Macquarie Amateur Sailing Club and featuring the A Class Catamaran class
A Class CatamaranSouth Lake Macquarie Amateur Sailing Club
HALLSPARS_BOOMS_SW_728X99MILLIUS-65 BOTTOMC-Tech 2021 (Spars-QFX Racer) 728x90 BOTTOMRick Dodson - 5 140623