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Fernhurst Books

GRP Repair by Pete & Penni Vincent

GRP Repair by Pete & Penni Vincent

Anyone who owns a fibreglass boat (GRP or FRP, yacht or dinghy) knows that it can get damaged in the rough and tumble of everyday use and you might want to repair it yourself. But how do you repair it, so you can’t see the repair – get that really professional-looking finish? If you’ve ever asked that question, then this is the book for you.

Long-term boat repairer, Pete Vincent, shares the trade secrets of making a lasting, strong and invisible repair. 

They take you through the equipment, tools and materials you need and then explain the 8 stages of a glass fibre repair job: from the vital initial preparation to the final polish. This is followed by a step-by-step guide to making different repairs including small nicks, scratches and scuffs, star-crazing and deeper areas requiring fibreglassing. They also cover repairing deck / hull joints, non-slip surfaces, moving fittings and leak testing and repair.

Given that the first bit of advice is that you need to make the damage worse before repairing it, it is reassuring to be able to follow the steps that they outline, amply illustrated by many photographs and diagrams.

Splash-proof and spiral bound – allowing you to lay it out flat beside your repair – this little book will be a valued companion as you set about repairing your boat.

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